
Galactic Reverse Interview Guide (i.e., the questions to ask those who are interviewing you)

Well, yes, even you who are going to be interviewing as a candidate can ask questions of those who are selecting you. In fact, it’s not just that you can: you have to ask them!

Asking questions is useful for so many different reasons:

retrieving as much information as possible about the company you are about to interview for showing an interest in the company getting as complete a view as possible of the role, the duties, the team, and many other key things not play dumb to the classic “so, do you have any questions for us” question? At this particular moment in history (and this applies not only to the tech world but to so many different industries) it is the candidate who has negotiating power, because companies are struggling to find motivated and qualified people. In general, therefore, it is not only the company that chooses but also the candidate who, inevitably, can (and must, in my opinion) choose the right company for him or herself at that particular time in his or her personal and professional life.

So here is a list of questions, broken down by “theme,” that you might use during a job interview.

Ah, one last thing (needless to say, but I’ll say it anyway): of course, don’t ask them all because otherwise the interview would last about 7 hours. Choose the set of questions for you best suited to the company you are approaching, also considering that so much information about the company can now be easily found online.

Are you ready? Let’s go!